Homemade Orgeat
Recipe type: Drinks
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
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Serves: 1
  • 18 oz. almonds
  • 10 oz. white sugar
  • 10 oz. demerara sugar
  • 15 oz. water
  • Optional:
  • 1 tbs. (or so) orange-flower water
  • 2 tsp. (or so) almond extract
  • 2-3 oz. vodka
  • Equipment:
  • Pot
  • Cheesecloth
  • Strainer
  • Vessel for holding
  1. Remember, we like flavor.
  2. Toast the almonds (skin on, gotta get those essential oils going).
  3. Grind.
  4. Add water and sugars to pot.
  5. Bring to simmer.
  6. Not a rolling boil, we’re looking to get them to melt, not turn into rock candy.
  7. Add the ground up almonds.
  8. Simmer 3-4 minutes -- don't let it boil.
  9. Just don’t do it.
  10. Let cool and sit for 3-12 hours.
  11. I usually go overnight.
  12. Strain it with a fancy strainer, cheesecloth setup.
  13. When you get impatient because it’s going slowly, squeeze the cheesecloth.
  14. I do.
  15. Taste it.
  16. I’m usually happy here.
  17. If you wanna be official, add the orange water.
  18. I don’t like it.
  19. If it’s not almond-y enough for you, add some almond extract (but you probably won’t need it).
  20. For a preservative, add vodka.
  21. Bottle and make some tiki drinks!
Recipe by The Drink Blog at https://thedrinkblog.com/homemade-orgeat/