Author: The Drink Blog
Recipe type: Drinks
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Serves: 1
- 1 ½ oz. pisco
- ½ oz. lime juice
- 4 oz. ginger beer
- 2 dashes bitters
- Lime wedges
- Glass type: Collins
- Add the ice to your glass.
- Squeeze the lime on the top of it.
- Yes, that’s fresh lime you lucky duck you.
- Add your pisco and bitters.
- Stir to make happy.
- Pour over your ginger beer.
- Give a quick stir to combine.
- Not too quick or too vigorous, don’t wanna lose all the fizz.
- Add some lime wedges.
- Garnish with another lime wedge.
- For Peru!
Recipe by The Drink Blog at https://thedrinkblog.com/portonero/