White Chocolate Pumpkin Pie Martini
Recipe type: Drinks
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Serves: 1
  • 1 oz. vodka
  • 1 oz. rum
  • ½ oz. white crème de cacao
  • ¼ oz. curacao
  • ½ oz. cinnamon syrup
  • ½ oz. half and half
  • Egg white
  • 1 tbs. pumpkin butter
  • Whole nutmeg
  • Ground cinnamon
  • Glass type: cocktail
  1. Add everything except the nutmeg and ground cinnamon to your cocktail shaker with ice.
  2. Shake it a whole lot.
  3. Like you have the holiday spirit!
  4. Gotta froth those egg whites.
  5. Adds that creaminess without cream.
  6. Pour into your cocktail glass.
  7. Give it a minute to let the cream rise.
  8. Grate on nutmeg.
  9. Sprinkle ground cinnamon.
  10. White Chocolate Pumpkin Pie Martini!
  11. Holiday cheer!
Recipe by The Drink Blog at https://thedrinkblog.com/white-chocolate-pumpkin-pie-martini/