Strawberry Lime Tom Collins
Recipe type: Drinks
Prep time: 
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Serves: 1
  • 4 strawberries
  • ½ oz. fresh lime juice
  • 1 tsp. sugar
  • 2 oz. gin
  • 1 strawberry
  • Club Soda
  • Glass type: Collins
  1. Plop your strawberries into your cocktail shaker.
  2. Muddle with sugar.
  3. Add lime juice, gin and ice.
  4. Shake like a Polaroid.
  5. Finish, smile knowing what’s coming.
  6. Pour into your Collins glass.
  7. Those broken ice cubes are gonna look cool.
  8. Add a bit more ice for extra chilling.
  9. Top with club soda.
  10. Garnish with extra strawberry.
  11. Sip and enjoy while grilling.
If you’d like to scale this up, no problem. Let’s make a pitcher for 10. Toss 40 strawberries into your blender with ¾ cup plus 1 tbs. of sugar. Blend. Pour into your pitcher. Add 20 oz. of gin and 10 oz. of lime juice. Stir. And you’re done! Don’t put ice in here, that’ll water it down -- ice goes in glasses. Pour into glasses (that have ice in them), top with club soda and enjoy friendship! And grilling!
Recipe by The Drink Blog at